Let's Talk!

Successful post-merger communication

Oerlikon Metco

Oerlikon Surface Solutions is a leading global provider of surface solutions. In 2014, the division was expanded with the acquisition of Sulzer's Metco division. Following the merger, the division grew to around 6,000 employees worldwide. Preparations for the merger had to be undertaken in a sensitive and transparent way, whilst also ensuring well-structured communication. Stakeholders were customers, partners, service providers, the public and, last but not least, employees from two different cultures that were to be united. Providing a story that was clear and comprehensible, both across the board as well as for every stakeholder, and communicating this using a targeted approach with an accompanying key visual was essential to the success of the takeover.

Clear and engaging change story

Preparations for the merger were undertaken by the Oerlikon Balzers (now Surface Solutions) team in partnership with a leading consulting firm. A number of specialists from Calydo, gateB and Hotz Brand Consultants were brought on board to work on communications and the brand shift. In addition to preparing customer communications, general employee information at Oerlikon, Q&As and guidelines for all stakeholders such as management, HR and the media office, all Sulzer touchpoints and materials in Oerlikon had to be rebranded. For us it was clear that the story had to create a sense of unity. The result: “Creating the world technology leader in surface solutions - under one roof”.


employees reached 


locations worldwide with 18 languages 


customer and partner letters for 12 target groups in 8 languages 

Transparent information for all stakeholders

For external stakeholders, personalised letters for customers, partners and service providers were written for the 12 target groups in 17 languages and an informative video was produced to introduce the new expanded segment. The sales team was provided with a tool kit that equipped them with timing, key talking points and giveaways. Internally, it was a case of notifying all employees at Oerlikon Balzers and Sulzer Metco on the same day in such a way that the goals, visions and process transparently and honestly demonstrated the benefits of the merger and won everyone's support for the project. We worked with different formats such as CEO letters and videos for personal communication, Q&As to prepare for all kinds of questions, guidelines for the brand shift and intranet posts. A digital information platform with a focus on interaction options was launched to allow the employees' reactions to be gauged directly. A virtual worldwide welcome party on this platform, named "2gether", marked the start of the process.

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For external stakeholders, personalised letters for customers, partners and service providers were written for the 12 target groups in 17 languages and an informative video was produced to introduce the new expanded segment. The sales team was provided with a tool kit that equipped them with timing, key talking points and giveaways. Internally, it was a case of notifying all employees at Oerlikon Balzers and Sulzer Metco on the same day in such a way that the goals, visions and process transparently and honestly demonstrated the benefits of the merger and won everyone's support for the project. We worked with different formats such as CEO letters and videos for personal communication, Q&As to prepare for all kinds of questions, guidelines for the brand shift and intranet posts. A digital information platform with a focus on interaction options was launched to allow the employees’ reactions to be gauged directly. A virtual worldwide welcome party on this platform, named “2gether”, marked the start of the process.